The ABAW Chinese Medicine Consultation event, hosted by the Asian Business Association of Whitehorse and co-hosted by Wencheng Lecture, concluded successfully on the 11th of August, at the Box Hill Townhall, Matsudo Room! We thank all the guests for their enthusiastic participation, and especially our Chinese medicine expert team for providing professional consultations and valuable health advice to all that attended.

Special thanks to Dr. Wencheng Wang, who led the team of seven Chinese medicine experts, as well as Mr. Keith Wolahan MP, Federal Member for Menzies, Consul Song Chongsheng from the Consulate General of the PRC in Melbourne, and Mr. Andrew Davenport, Deputy Mayor of Whitehorse City, for their presence and strong support.

Asian Business Association of Whitehorse, working together to create a wonderful future for our community!
#ABAW #ChineseMedicine #CommunityHealth