On June 20th, 2024, the Asian Business Association of Whitehorse (ABAW) Committee and members came together for our Special General Resolution Meeting. It was a pivotal event where we voted and elected our leadership team for the term 2024-2026!

We are thrilled to announce the ABAW team for the upcoming term:

ABAW President

Ms Bihong Wang

ABAW Vice Presidents

Mr Tim Chen

Mr Richard Shi

Mr Steven Zheng

Secretary General

Mr Sean Sun

Legal Advisor

Ms Chi Hui

Event Director

Ms Jing Jing Nan

Acting Treaserer

Mr Tim Chen

Committee members

Ms. Charlie Wu

Mr. Dom Wang

Mr. Vincent Choi

Mr. John Zhang

Mr. William Zhou

Ms. Cherry Sun

Ms. Viola Lin

Mr. Abraham Liu

Mr. Jerry Lin

Their commitment and vision will guide us through the next phase of our journey.

Thank you to all our members for your active participation and support during this important meeting. Together, we look forward to continuing to serve our community and achieving new milestones. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting initiatives from ABAW!